ProjectRE | Real Estate Academy

The Proven Path to Financial Wellness through Real Estate Investing
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Step-By-Step Curriculum

The path to financial sucess starts long before you purchased your first property. Follow a proven roadmap from start to finish

Learn from a Pro

James Dainard is an 18 year veteran in the Real Estate Investing and Flipping Industry and has helped thousands of investors achieve their financial goals.

Networking & Support

Classes include weekly calls with James and other like-minded entrepreneurs. Let's build sucess together. 


  • New investors who want to gain foundational knowledge and confidence with their first projects
  • Investors who have experience flipping homes and are looking to streamline their processes, better troubleshoot issues, or gain better insight into the industry
  • Investors who are looking to grow or scale their business
  • Motivated individuals who  are considering real esate investments and flipping homes as a future venture and revenue source